At HSDS we have been building Software Solutions for Hospitality for over 25 years. I...
“During the last two decades plus, we, at Hospitality Software Development Services, have been building...
During the past two decades, the hospitality industry has experienced a massive evolution (absolute understatement...
Adriaan Kleingeld no longer needs an introduction, as he is the CEO of HSDS /...
Software development in the hospitality industry is not only about numbers or awards won, but...
We are excited to be partnering up with MavREV, a company based in UK that...
At the core of any software there are humans: they create software so others can...
A group of agile like-minded Revenue Management Companies and Tech Suppliers are revolutionizing the Hotel...
A two-way interface easing the daily activities of hotel Revenue Managers and supporting them in making informed...
Not another tips & tricks article on COVID-19… 6 months ago, the HSDS team started working from...